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Effect of Tillage Depth and Pattern on Growth and Yield of Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) under Rain-fed

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Ahmed M. E l Naim *, Mkarem A. M. Baldu and Moayad M.B. Zaied

A field experiment was carried out under rainy season (2010/11),at two locations (Khorelabeid and Kaba) in Sheikan locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan to investigate the effects of the tillage on growth and yield of grain sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.Moench).The tillage practices treatments consist of no tillage,tillage at depth 15 and 25 cm and two tillage patterns namely:headland and continuous patterns,using chisel plough.Treatments were randomly arranged in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) with three replications. The results showed that tillage treatments had significant effect on most of the parameters measured in this study.In this respect, it was observed that increased tillage depth increased plant height, length of internode.Length of flag leaf, panicle length, number of seeds per panicle,panicle seed weight, grain yield (Kg/ha) and harvest index.The tillage depth of 25cm with head land pattern had the highest number of grains per panicle, panicle grain weight and grain yield (t/ha), while the no tillage treatment had a lesser grain yield and yield’s components.

Hypopygia of species in the cioni species group, and crassiscapus species group of Entedon Dalman (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Turkey and some European species

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Mikdat Doğanlar* and Oğuzhan Doğanlar

The species of Entedon Dalman with complete frontal fork were studied. One species of the crassiscapus species group, E. crassiscapus Erdös, and 5 species of the cioni species group, E. cionobius Thomson, E. cioni Thomson, E. leucocnemus Erdös in Turkey and E. methion Walker, E. tibialis (Nees) in Germany, of genus Entedon Dalman (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Entedoninae) were collected. Hypopygia of the species were studied. By aids of the new characters the identification key to species were provided.

Examine some Legal-Governmental barriers affecting rural women's entrepreneurship (A Case Study, Ilam, Iran)

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Bagher Arayesh

In many developing countries including Iran, the presence of women in the labor market has not been increased with regard to their level of education. Similarly, there are plenty of obstacles hindering women economic activities outside their houses. The main purpose of this study was to analyze some Legal-Governmental barriers of rural women entrepreneurship in Ilam province. The research was an applied study type and due to the lack of control variables, it was considered as a semiempirical and a casual–relative kind of research. Population of the study consisted of all entrepreneur women located at various rural areas of Ilam. A proportional stratified random sampling method was applied. The sample size was chosen up to 310 numbers of the target group to be able to use Cochrane formula. The main tool of the research was questionnaire which was developed in three main sections. Analysis and data processing was done at two steps. The descriptive statistics (central and dispersion parameters) and analysis (Spearman correlation coefficient) were used. Results of this study showed that government intervention in pricing, obstacles in the political and economic relations with other countries, Lack of coordination between agencies and organizations involved in entrepreneurship, Lack of encouragement of Entrepreneurs by the government, Lack of appropriate programs of entrepreneurship by the government, paying direct and indirect of governmental subsidies to the producers and existence of some obstacles to the import and export of products were the main Legal- Governmental barriers affecting rural women's entrepreneurship. Correlation analysis between variables indicated that there is a significant relationship between Legal- Governmental variables with the rural women's entrepreneurship.

The electromagnetic field with a vertical magnetic dipole in a three-layered

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Adel A. S. Abo Seliem and Fathia Alseroury*

The effect of the sea bottom cannot be neglects in some situations, for example in the case of a low frequency, a shallow sea, and the access of transmitter or receiver in the sea bottom. The effect of the sea bottom on radio wave propagation is ascertained theoretically. And it will act as an important part in such cases. Two integrals transformation of the wave equations of Hertizan vector-a two dimensional Fourier transform in the horizontal coordinates in space are applied. The integral representation determines the electromagnetic field anywhere. Considering a three layered sea, the multipath reflection and multilateral wave that cannot be generated in a two-layered media are obtained.

The Investigation of Influential Factors on Job Commitment in the Official Organizations

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Parviz Saeidi* , Masoume Mesgari and Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi

The present article is part of the research “The Investigation of Influential factors on Job commitment in official organizations of Golestan province’’ that was carried by the authors in 200920012 according to measuring method. To the influential factors on employees’ job commitment’ the researchers distributed questionairs among of some 275 employees in Golestan province and they were analyzed considering five hypotheses. Binomial test was used to accept or reject the hypotheses because the distribution was not normal. In this research meeting economic life needs, continuous specialized teaching , continuous belief teaching, job characteristics and organizational characteristics are considered as independent variables and job commitment as dependent variable. Hence, the analysis of data indicate that, there are a significant relationships between Influential factors on Job Commitment in official organizations. and since p-value is lower, than all hypothesis is also accepted.